Narrative with Casual=RED and Temporal=BLUE words.

While he jumps up and down I feel my hands moving up and down too. My annoying brother is jumping all over my bed! I have asked him to stop but he doesn’t. Then I just remember that when the bed is bouncing the room shakes a bit. Meanwhile I’m doing my homework in the room as well. Wait I forgot to introduce myself, I am Emily and my brother’s name is Ken but everyone calls him Kenny. We live in a small cottage in the outback yet we are in the snow. Even though my brother was jumping on my bed I didn’t want to tell him off because he is just 4 and I’m 15 years old. Finally is was dinner time and my cousin and I left my room and went to the dinner table.  We had pasta and went outside for a little play in the snow. I thought it was very cold outside but my brother didn’t ,but we only got to play for 10mins because we had to go shower, brush our teeth and get to bed. My brother and I sleep in different rooms. Although he is annoying, I love him.

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